Fascinating. I know the British Royal family have used homeopathy for several generations and wonder if their enthusiasm was shared by other European royals, since they are significantly inter-related.

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Yes! I have an entire chapter on the various Royalty families throughout the world in my book: https://homeopathic.com/product/1-great-book-the-homeopathic-revolution-why-famous-people-cultural-heroes-choose-homeopathy-product-description/

You will LOVE this book!

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Excellent info, Dana Ullman. Thank you!

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Thanks for sharing this - don't know if you knew... Dr Viola Frymann, DO had a piano in each treatment room and the pianist was versed in all of the classical music of those times you were sharing about, so along with knowledge and his sheet music Dr Frymann would request certain music for the patient she was treating that Ed would play, the patient would feel the music and the energy of her hands using Osteopathy, concluding with homeopathic remedies dispensed in little folded paper envelopes with hand written notes as to when to take them, we did not know which remedy or strength but knew they were selected just for us by her. Dr Frymann was born in London that is also where she went to school for homeopathy... I was so blessed for all the years to have had her as my Homeopath and Osteopath, Cranio/Sacral before it has now become "the new so popular" thing... I am going back now to the early 1950's

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Thank you Dana! Yes, indeed I have used homeopathy on and off for a good 50 years... it works..

As to the theory why Beethoven lost his hearing, I think it most probably had to do with his father's physical abuse.. slapping him repeatedly on each side of the head over the ears.. for most of his childhood... horrific mistreatment that when sustained for more than a decade could easily lead to deafness as an adult..

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