Big Pharma shills & skeptics of homeopathy indulge in spreading misinformation about homeopathy. This blog aims to set the record straight, and is packed with references to real evidence.
Thank you for the research! So hard to explain Homeopathy to new patients. They take it, it works, they come back, want more, still not knowing how it really works! Great stuff. Just gave my puppy a dose of Ledum 200CH after his 2nd booster shots. He stopped trying to nip at the injection site, and fell asleep.
This is a really good summary but I think we focus too much on the hardware of the body and somehow miss its software, the information system of the body. Any plant or animal based medicines has a very complex information mix which is not comparable to metals or other minerals and the body has to be able to "read" these complex info patterns some way or other. So we should start to focus on the software, the information system as well.
Sometimes it does...though no method is 100%...and because many acute symptoms are the results of chronic disease, the Voll machine sometimes is not adequately sensitive to such complexities.
Thank you for making this simple to understand.
Thank you for the research! So hard to explain Homeopathy to new patients. They take it, it works, they come back, want more, still not knowing how it really works! Great stuff. Just gave my puppy a dose of Ledum 200CH after his 2nd booster shots. He stopped trying to nip at the injection site, and fell asleep.
This is a really good summary but I think we focus too much on the hardware of the body and somehow miss its software, the information system of the body. Any plant or animal based medicines has a very complex information mix which is not comparable to metals or other minerals and the body has to be able to "read" these complex info patterns some way or other. So we should start to focus on the software, the information system as well.
I think that homeopathic high potency DO transform our inner software. I see this almost every day of my practice.
The Voll Method pinpoints acute homeopathic remedy needs
Sometimes it does...though no method is 100%...and because many acute symptoms are the results of chronic disease, the Voll machine sometimes is not adequately sensitive to such complexities.